Head, Neck, & Shoulder Massage

A head, neck, and shoulder massage is a specific type of massage that targets the upper part of the body. This massage focuses on releasing tension and promoting relaxation in areas that are commonly prone to stress and discomfort. At Breeze Oriental Spa & Massage, the head, neck, and shoulder massage services are designed to provide targeted relief and deep relaxation. The experienced therapists utilize a blend of gentle and firm techniques to address muscle tightness, reduce headaches, and alleviate the strain caused by poor posture or prolonged periods of stress.

肩颈按摩 | Soothing Neck and Shoulder

  • Relieves stress and tension and reduces the severity of headaches caused by heavy work. Also helps improve blood circulation and bladder control.

Regular Therapist – ₱ 900
Master Therapist – ₱ 1,100

Please note that the prices at the BGC branch are slightly higher due to increased operational expenses.

头颈部调理 | Head and Neck

  • Invigorating the blood and nourishing the spirit, suitable for cervical spine stiffness caused by insufficient brain blood supply, insomnia, migraine, forgetfulness and etc…

Regular Therapist – ₱ 1,200
Master Therapist – ₱ 1,500

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